Horror, Sci-Fi and Cult cinema plus other ramblings.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Deadly Blessing (1981)
Wes Craven is one of those directors who has had a long and
rather successful career. He is probably best known for “Last House on the Left”
(1972), “A Nightmare on Elm Street” (1984) and “Scream” (1996). He’s thrown out
quite a few clunkers over the years like “Shocker” (1989) but Craven always
seemed to have a knack for knocking out a pretty good film when his career
needed it. Deadly Blessing came out in 1981, a time when Craven’s career seemed
to be at a bit of a standstill since the cult success of Last House and 1977’s “The
Hills Have Eyes”. It seems to me this one came out about the right time it
needed to in order to boost some life into Craven’s cinematic bloodstream
readying the cinema world forNightmare
which would debut three years later.
His performance landed him a spot in a Motley Crue video.
Deadly Blessing stars Maren Jensen (Battlestar Galactica) as
Martha, the wife of Jim Schmidt (Douglas Barr) who is a former “Hittite” and
living on a farm next to his father’s farmland of which he has been shunned for
“leaving the faith”. Animosity between the two families is quickly established
as one of the Hittite men sneak onto the surrounding property and harass Faith
(Lisa Hartman)a neighbor, calling her an “incubus”. The harasser is none other
than Michael Berryman (The Hills Have Eyes), playing a not so bright Hittite
man, William, who constantly is causing trouble with non Hittite neighbors. Jim runs William off and makes sure Faith is
okay. He also meets Faith’s mother, Louisa (Lois Nettleton), who lives next
door. Louisa is a midwife and Jim inquires of her services because Martha is
pregnant.That night Jim hears some
noises out in the barn and goes to investigate. An unseen attacker starts up
the tractor and crushed Jim with it. Martha, awakened by the tractor goes out
to investigate and finds Jim’s body in the barn.
The happy couple....later Jim dies...and winds up on The Fall Guy.
At Jim’s funeral, Jim’s father Isaiah (Ernest Borgnine)
shows up with his family. They mourn from a safe distance with no interaction
with Martha who is considered an “Incubus” now that Jim has died. Martha’s
friends Lana (Sharon Stone) and Vicky (Susan Buckner) come to stay with her and
help her grieve. Trouble soon starts up again when William and several of the
younger Hittite boys sneak in to Martha’s barn on a dare. When Martha
investigates the barn the boys are able to sneak back out but William’s foot
gets caught in the chicken door and he loses his shoe. Later that night he
comes back looking for it and is knifed by an unseen attacker. The next day
Isaiah and William’s father come to the farm to ask Martha if she has seen him.
Again she is accused of being an “Incubus” by Isaiah but his accusations are
met with a door slammed in his face. The next day Lana goes into the barn and
discovers William’s body hanging from a rope. The Sheriff is called in but
Isaiah refuses to let the Sheriff take the body into town for an autopsy. When
the Sheriff tries to tell Isaiah that an autopsy can tell them who committed
the murder, Isaiah responds that he already knows who did. Martha has basically
been condemned of an act she didn’t commit.
Does this look familiar?
The lovely ladies of Deadly Blessing.
While Vicky is out jogging one morning she meets John
Schmidt (Jeff East), Isaiah’s son and Jim’s younger brother. When Isaiah
discovers them talking he quickly dismisses her and tells John to shun all of
the non believers. John is engaged, not happily, to Melissa (Colleen Riley) his
cousin. John is eventually shunnedby
his father after he confronts him over being disciplined for talking to Vicky.
That night he hitch hikes downtown and meets Vicky. They drive back to the farm
and both murdered by what might be a jealous Melissa but we never see exactly
who commits the murders. As Lana and Martha wait for Vicky to return from her
trip downtown some strange things occur at the house. Lana opens a milk carton
that is filled with blood and Martha finds a scarecrow poised inside her room.
She discovers that the flower on the scarecrow is the same that was buried with
Jim. She goes out to the family burial site and finds that his grave has been
dug up. This is when she discovers that it was Faith that was committing the
murders. Martha and Lana fight off Faith and Louisa in a bloody finale that has
Melissa the victor in an odd twist. After all the bodies are cleared away,
Martha is left alone in the farm house and is visited by the ghost of Jim. He
tells her that the Incubus is still here and the floor suddenly bursts forth
and a demon, the Incubus, drags Martha to Hell.
Mermaid Man....er Isaiah delivers the gospel.
This film had me up until the last 30 seconds! Craven
delivered a really well written yarn about good vs. evil and the Puritanical
imperfections of religious zealots. He also delivered the goods on the
exploitation level with a good dose of nudity and stuck with the good ole
slasher rule that if you stray from the straight and narrow, you’re gonna get
killed. The musical score also delivered some mood setting Omen like narratives
courtesy of James Horner. There is also a nice dream sequence involving Lana,
mysterious hands and a spider. Craven developed a very uneasy mood throughout
the film, especially with the inner workings of the Hittite family. I think the
film could have done with a little more focus on that aspect as it seemed to
provide some rather chilling moments. My big complaint is that ending! Yowsa! I
didn’t expect the shock ending and well it kinda leaves the film flat. Still
though Deadly Blessing is a good early 80’s piece that really set up Craven for
what would become one of his best films, A Nightmare on Elm Street.
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