Hello all! Happy belated New Years! It's been awhile since I have made a new entry and for that I apologize. Life has been busy in the coffin lately and with that said I thought I would update you Monsterkids on some new titles that are available now from Celluloid Coffin Video!

First up is one of my favorite 1950's sci fi flicks, Invasion of the Saucermen (1957). As a young Monsterkid I remember seeing this on t.v. and loving every minute of it. It's played as more comedy than frightening sci fi but it's so enjoyable. This movie introduced me to the big headed alien look. I can't recall how old I might have been but I was probably around 6 years old, but I found those big headed bug eyed creatures to be quite frightful! This film has never had an official DVD release and still floats around in limbo. Celluloid Coffin Video is proud to present this with very nice picture quality and fullscreen (4:3).

Paul Naschy returns to Celluloid Coffin Video in two titles that are some favorites of mine. Our first Naschy feature for 2016 is La Furia Del Hombre Lobo aka Fury of the Wolfman (1970). Waldemar Daninsky returns as everyone's favorite tortured soul of a Wolfman. This installment also stars the beautiful Perla Cristal. Fury is one Naschy title that has been released many times in it's edited American form. Celluloid Coffin Video presents this version under the title Werewolf Never Sleeps and is uncut. The print is a little shaky as it is taken from the Swedish VHS release. However it is the most complete English language print (with Swedish subtitles). A real mess of a film but a fun furry romp for sure!

Our next Naschy release also came out in 1970 and co stars Michael Rennie (The Day the Earth Stood Still) and Karin Dor (Castle of the Walking Dead). Los Monstruos Del Terror aka Assignment Terror has Naschy playing the role of Daninsky and the Frankenstein monster! It's also a tribute to the monster mash films of the 1940's as it features Earth's most frightening monsters as The Mummy and Dracula also make an appearance. This feature is presented in Widescreen format from a very nice Spanish language print. It's got English subtitles so you don't have to be bilingual! A nice extra is the German language trailer for the film under the title Dracula Jagt Frankenstein (Dracula Vs Frankenstein) which also was the American title for the film when it hit stateside in the 1970's. Ok I might have fibbed you will have to be bilingual to understand the German trailer!

And finally another Naschy gem! Inquisition (1978) the witch craft film starring Paul Naschy as a Witchfinder General investigating stories of witchcraft in a small village. Naschy becomes romantically involved with a young woman who has made a pact with the Devil! All hell breaks loose! A absolutely beautiful print in Spanish language with English subtitles. Lots of nudity in this one kids! It's also features some great performances from Naschy and Daniela Giordano. It also has a really great story line. A highly recommended film! The film is presented in Widescreen and it is stellar!
Also coming soon is another fun filled trailer compilation! I am currently slicing and dicing rotted celluloid and pasting it all together with crypt drippings left over from the bats so once it's finished fermenting the Coffin will be unleashing it onto the world!
As always ghoulies come on by the
Ebay Coffin to grab a copy of the newest Celluloid Coffin Video release and our other releases as well. Feel free to rummage around the coffin to see what other goodies can be found as well!